This month's Stable Talk features the handsome Irish Sport Horse stallion, Jamali who is a fan of our Protechmasta infra-red range. His human mum, Alisha has been keeping A&A up to date with his progress and sharing her tips on getting the best results from the Protechmasta horse rug and poll pad. When we heard how well Jamali has been going lately, and saw how gorgeous he is in his photos, we knew we had to interview this stallion from the Sunshine State! Have you been with your human Alisha since you were born? If not, how long have you been together and what were you doing before you found each other? Yes, I've been with Alisha since I first opened my eyes and took my first breath. My real mum Cleo was soooo excited, she was too busy running around announcing my arrival to everyone. What have you done so far with your human, and what would you like to help her achieve this year? My human has been so kind to let me mature before she started any serious competitions. She did allow a very close friend to campaign me in the Queensland young horse classes as a 4yo and at the end of the season we did the 5yo classes at the Queensland States where we came 5th. Now that I've filled out and am stronger, we are currently competing Novice dressage and are just about to start Elementary at the end of this year.
Are you easily distracted by a good looking mare when you are out with your human or do you find it easy to focus? No, I know that when we are out and about at events I have to be on my best behaviour. Have you been used for breeding or are you busy concentrating on your career? If not, do you hope to one day have a few girlfriends and some foals that are just like you? I've been very lucky to have a few girlfriends earlier on to see what my offspring were like. We have waited for them to mature a little and see what they are like to work with. So far they are quiet, easy to train, very athletic, with plenty of height. Most have been solid colour, believe it or not! We are now happy to allow any outside mares that may be interested (*wink*) but my human is strict in that I can only breed from Nov through to Jan, so it doesn't interfere with my training under saddle.
What are your favourite things in the world?
My handful of treats after a workout. Being put in a fresh green grassy field, its so exciting! If you were a human celebrity, who would you be and why? George Clooney - the ultimate silver fox right?
It's been a while since we heard from our intrepid dressage Brand Ambassador Katie Gray. But she hasn't been resting on her laurels during the off season. Here's what she and BK have been up to.... Recently I had the pleasure of being awarded with World’s Largest Trophy as I topped the leader board in the prelim section for the Yarra Valley Dressage Club. My speech went something along the lines of 'I would like to thank my horse for his willing approach to endless circles, my sponsors for their unwavering support and cool tee shirts, and my husband and children for the quality time they spent together as BK and I were off training and competing'. BK and I hadn’t competed since mid-Autumn, so we jumped at the chance to enter Doongala Official Dressage Day. Knowing it was the day after a friend’s birthday I deliberately asked for a late test and brought an even more hungover buddy to call my test. BK was a little rusty in the first test and drew a complete blank when I asked him to lengthen strides. However we regrouped ok to dust off the cobwebs and win the second test and some actual Horse Conditioner as a prize. You say Extreme Weather Warning, I say Dressage! Once again, with Melbourne ravaged by gale force winds and pouring rain, I decided to devote my time to plaiting my horses newly conditioned hair and searching for a place even colder than the Yarra Valley to compete - Werribee. BK and I were off to mix it with the Proper Dressage Riders, those clad in Jackets, not Tiny Vests. Luckily, we had secured the backstage support of our one and only sponsor who was seen handling tack and absentmindedly patting BK at least twice, but who made up for limited hands-on grooming activity by handing over a super soft and warm Harry Hall beanie - definitely worth rugging my own horse for! The National Equestrian Centre is located next to Werribee Zoo. With a strong wind that afternoon the whiff of lions and tigers helped add a bit of a spring to BK’s step. We did an adequate job of the first test despite feeling a touch like we were riding a wilderbeast in a stampede. We then went to visit our fellow club members at our allocated table in the indoor where the next test was scheduled. Other members seemed shocked to the core that this would be our first attempt at this test and our first time at Werribee and no experience with this kind of atmosphere. I assured them that BK was a good sort and we had even survived showjumping in the past, so that things would probably all work out ok. I then quickly ran back out to saddle him up again to allow time for a decent warm up for fear of public humiliation. We just about deserved a medal for the warm up. It was carnage in the warm up indoor arena. We both held it together by a whisker. Huge pitch black shiny horses with tails that made BK’s conditioned one look like a forelock nearly t-boned us every few strides and made us feel like seaside donkeys in comparison. Relentlessly time marched on and our names were called... well, some version of our names which hinted that the announcer may not have brought her glasses that day and that somehow our fame had not preceded us. BK was hell-bent on upstaging his distant cousins, or at least keeping up with the Kardashians, and I couldn’t have asked for more. Did we win? Hell no! But we performed more than adequately against an array of professional riders and instructors. We also received a surprise 4th rosette for our first wilderbeast-on-the-run-from-a-lion-inspired test . In theory we’ll take a few weeks off til the sun appears and mud dries up, although time off isn’t really our thing so we’ll see how we go...
Logo artwork by Lyn Beaumont |